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Sports Guards, Night Guards, Sleep Appliances & Botox

While sports are and excellent way of staying active, they come with the risk of tooth injury or damage. A sports guard is an excellent way of keeping your teeth protected from breakage, chipping or even getting knocked out completely. Custom sportsguards are available at My Dentist of Fort Lauderdale.
A good night’s sleep is imperative for optimal functioning. If you are having issues such as clenching, grinding or snoring, a removable non-invasive night guards or sleep appliance may be just the thing you are looking for. These simple prosthetic appliances could help reduce headaches, ear aches and jaw pain, and provide you with longer more restful sleep. Contac us today to get your custom-made sleep appliance.

At My Dentist of Fort Lauderdale we offer Botox injections to help reduce symptoms of tempomandiular joint disfunction. Botox injections for TMJ will help treat symptoms such as jaw tension, headaches, lockjaw and other conditions. Your dentist will use a thin needle to inject tiny amounts of botulinum toxin into your jaw muscles and alleviate tension in these muscles. Contact us to learn more about botox injections for TMJ or to book your appointment.